Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord.........

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What If? Join the Movement

Today is Orphan Sunday...

We spent several hours this afternoon listening to stories of Adoption and Foster Care support. A strong reminder that James 1:27 is not a suggestion, It IS God's heart!

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I just wanted to share with ya'll this beautiful video! I have had the honor and joy of watching Amy and her Family's journey to Elijah! I pray that if their story moves you to take action that you will do so boldly and without fear!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saying goodbye to HFCS

After months of complaining about our weight and life style Bryan and I have decided to make a change!
We are cutting High Fructose Corn Syrup out of our diet. Now...before I go any further I must say that after a lot of research I do not believe that HFCS is to blame for this country's weight problem, but I do think that it has contributed. I also think that "organic" is a fancy word for "over priced". So, the Hable household has two new food rules:
1. No HFCS
2. (Attempting to) Keep the number of ingredients on the food label to 5 or less

You would be surprise to find out what foods that have HFCS and/or are highly over processed are just hanging out on your refrigerator door! I had a delicious bottle of marinade that I assumed had oil and a few herbs and spices in it....WRONG! the first ingredient was HFCS followed by a long list of things I can't pronounce!
For the past two weeks almost every thing we've eaten had been homemade from scratch....including all of our bread. I mention bread because today in the NYT Wall Street Journal there was an article called "Ten Money Moves That Will Always Pay Off" and #8 on the list........Buy a bread machine! We don't own a bread maker (yet) but I agree that making my own bread has saved lots of dough (pun intended) and even better, I control what is in that bread! No HFCS and no ingredients that don't look like English!

I can't honestly say that I have seen a big difference in our health over the past two weeks (yet), but I love the fact that I know exactly what we are eating and saving money on some everyday items. Also, I love using my hands to provide food for my hubby instead of just taking credit for getting a "good" deal at the grocery store.
What about you? have you made any changes to your household that you feel will make a long term difference to your family?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Clean Home...The Microwave

I had planned on posting about some changes in eating habits that are happening in our home but, I was cleaning earlier and wanted to share with you this fun way of cleaning the microwave....ok... I'm not sure that cleaning the microwave will ever be "fun", so let's stick with "surprisingly easy".

1/2 of lemon
2cups of water
a microwavable bowl big enough to hold the above
a dirty microwave

Place water and lemon in your bowl and place the bowl in the microwave. Run the microwave for 5-10mins. Then let sit for 5mins. Wipe down with a clean cloth!


Monday, August 2, 2010

A Clean Home...dusting

A while back I wrote about making my own laundry detergent and how much satisfaction I felt from saving money on such a necessary household product.
Well, making my own laundry detergent has inspired me to find other ways to save money and use healthier products in my home! There are so many changes we've made...or are working on making that I can't wait to share with you!

Bryan has a horrible allergy to everything dust. I always knew this, but I didn't understand how bad it was until an allergy test a few months ago:

Poor guy!

So I made a PLEDGE to dust more. But honestly I don't like to dust...or clean. Plus the smell of dusting solutions...YUCK! So, in an effort to get more excited about dusting and hopefully help Bryan feel better in his own home I started making my own dusting solution!
How easy is this?!?
1 cup of white distilled vinegar (less then $2.00)
1/2-1 teaspoon of olive oil
a few drops of lemon juice

Shake it all together in a spray bottle and go to town!!! I have used this solution on wood, electronics, and on glass vases.
I really hope that you will consider the cost of cleaning your home and the ingredients that you're using, and encourage you to research alternative ways to keep your home A Clean Home!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


An amazing story about the power of creativity and soap that is posted on Fox's Real American Stories! And be sure to visit

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Contentment (Philippians, iv. 11)
By William Cowper

Fierce passions discompose the mind,
As tempests vex the sea,
But calm, content and peace we find,
When, Lord, we turn to Thee.
In vain by reason and by rule
We try to bend the will;
For none but in the Saviour's school
Can learn the heavenly skill.
Since at His feet my soul has sate,
His gracious words to hear,
Contented with my present state,
I cast on Him my care.
"Art thou a sinner, soul?" He said,
"Then how canst thou complain?
How light thy troubles here, if weigh'd
With everlasting pain!
"If thou of murmuring wouldst be cured,
Compare thy griefs with mine!
Think what my love for thee endured,
And thou wilt not repine.
"'Tis I appoint thy daily lot,
And I do all things well;
Thou soon shalt leave this wretched spot,
And rise with me to dwell.
"In life my grace shall strength supply,
Proportion'd to thy day;
At death thou still shalt find me nigh,
To wipe thy tears away."
Thus I, who once my wretched days
In vain repinings spent,
Taught in my Saviour's school of grace,
Have learn'd to be content.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Homemade goodness!

I was referred to as Martha Stewart the other day at work...I will take that as a complement (I haven't mastered money laundering though) (that was a horrible joke) because over the past few weeks we have enjoyed some new-to-our-house homemade items!

Laundry Detergent:
I love this! It was very easy to make and I can not tell a difference at all in out come when I compare it to the detergent I was buying. The only difference...the price! The article I found this recipe on claimed that the homemade detergent comes out to about 2cents a load! I haven't done the exact math for myself, however I can tell you the the amount of money I paid to buy the supplies I needed was just over what i pay for a gallon of detergent. 1 recipe makes over 3 gallons and i still have more then plenty of supplies left over for the next SEVERAL times I make detergent! There are several recipes online but here is the one I used:
Step 1: grate 1/3 bar of cheap bath soap (i used Irish Springs) and mix it with 4 cups of water on the stove top over med heat until the soap is dissolved.
Step 2: Pour 3 gallons of water into a 5 gallon bucket and add the soap mixture. Add to this 1/2cup of Borax and a 1/2cup of washing soda (not baking soda though also made be Arm&Hammer)
Step 3: stir until mixture thickens and allow to sit 24hrs. (Note: every time I go to use it I do have to give it a little stir because of settling on top)
The recipe did not say how much to use in a load but I've found that a 1/2 cup works great and most of the similar recipes I found suggested a 1/2 cup.

We also went strawberry picking 2 weeks ago. It was so much fun! The picture may not look like it but we picked 12lbs of strawberries!!! I'm happy to say that we put all 12 lbs to good use...most of them going towards strawberry jam!
Step 1: in a large pot mash 4.5lbs of strawberries over medium heat for approx 15-20mins
Step 2: add 6cups of sugar (did I mention it is really sweet? and really flavorful!) and 1/2cup of lemon juice
Step 3: allow to simmer approx 30mins, stirring almost constantly

Don't forget to properly prepare your canning jars! This made about 7 half pint jars.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I love you

Only 365days until you turn 30!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Birthday Celebration!!!!


Today we are celebrating a VERY SPECIAL day!!! Johnson is a ADORABLE child that we sponsor through Compassion International and we are going all out to celebrate his 6th Birthday! We love our sponsor relationship with him...exchanging letters, praying, learning more about Kenya! It has been a wonderful experience for Bryan and I.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. ~2 Peter 3:18

We encourage you to consider sponsoring a child through Compassion International or to consider making a one time donation to one of their programs. Visit Compassion for more information.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I'm linking up with Lauren for To love Their Husbands Tuesdays finally!

Every Sunday night Bryan and I read out of a devotional book called "Devotions for a Sacred Marriage".  This past Sunday night when he finished reading Bryan put down the book and said "That was beautiful". The topic? Being a sanctuary for our spouse...
"There are those who will tear us down, assume we have evil motivations, be inclined to think the worst of us and even misrepresent us to others. They will gossip, slander and ridicule. But God has given us a mate, a shelter in the storm, who knows us better then anyone. When that mate loves us, adores us, and respects us, what it does to our souls is without question one of the most gratifying experiences in all of human existences. It is a powerful, powerful ministry to honor and adore your spouse, to become his or her sanctuary in a world that often seems predisposed to hate, to wound, to hurt, and to tear down........I would face all the demons in hell to defend her (wife). She has been my sanctuary- and I will adore her for all of eternity."
 ~Gary Thomas
So....this week I am devoting myself to the JOY of being my husband's sanctuary. Do I given him 100% of my attention when he is expressing concern, fear, joy, or love to me? Do I reassure him of my love? of God's love?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

In repentance and rest is your salvation,

in quietness and trust is your strength....

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ukrop's Monument 10k

The Ukrop's Monument Ave 10k
We walked our first 10k this morning! 
There were over 37000 people there!

Some where dressed on costumes including this group (It's a curling game) from our church!

Of course there are lots of Monuments on Monument Avenue including this one of Robert E. Lee

And we did some house shopping along the way!

Spring is in full beautiful bloom in Richmond!

We walked alittle of the way with Ronald and the Burggler

Look at all the people who just passed the half way point!

We were going a little crazy by were Willma and Betty

2.2 Miles left!

1.2Miles left!

The finish line is in sight!

Our times where:
Jayme- 1:50:01
Bryan- 1:50:03

If you need us we'll be passed out on the couch for the rest of the weekend!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

They will be called oaks of righteousness,

a planting of the LORD
for the display of his splendor.
~Isaiah 61:3

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning! in cleaning off my camera I found a few pictures from this winter! Here's a recap from the winter:
We had a lot of snow....

We spent some time with family....

I have to insert here that we had 3 Christmas celebrations with family...and no pictures at all from our first Christmas married...:(

Megan, Amy and I went on our annual trip to D.C.

I had a birthday
and I'm learning how to sew (Bryan is enjoy the instruction mannual)

and of course after being stuck inside so long...we had to get out and cause some trouble!!!