Sunday, March 1, 2009


So lately, through various bible studies, books, or conversations, the subject of pride has come up. In a country where the word "no" is not PC, I think we view pride as a characteristic rather then a sin (ok...pridefulness as a characteristic). This is not to say that you can't describe as proud, but we consider it to be "what it is" and nothing that greatly effects that person or the world that they are in. The truth is that not only does the Bible state that pride is a sin, it gives accounts for several kings and countries whose downfall resulted from pride. 2 Chronicles follows a whole lineage of Kings who had pride issues... and not always the "struck down by the hand of God" issues. For example, Hezekiah, who by all accounts was a very Godly man, rebuilt Judah and reclaimed the land for God, struggled with pride at the end of his life. After believing that God had spared him from illness and extended his life 15 yrs based on his merit, Hezekiah showed off everything (gold, silver, army, technology) he had to the son of the Babylon king. Infact, he was even proud that he had shown off everything! Guess who Babylon attacked...
I think we are proud even when we don't realize it...I for one tend to be proud when I'm having a "discussion" with someone about religion... and it's more in the tone of my voice, or how defensive I get (this is not to say that I shouldn't stand up for what I believe in... or say that what someone believes is right for them...if I took that stance then I wouldn't have very strong faith for what I believe to be right [sorry liberals]...just to say that my defensiveness will not bring anyone, myself included, closer to God).
The Bible says that we should have pride in the Lord. 1 Co. 1:31~ Let him who boast boast in the Lord. We can only boast in the Lord, though, if we have faith to see what he is doing in our lives. If we have that sort of faith, then the joy that we have from the work he is doing should radiate...and boast in the Lord.

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