I have to thank Lauren (I don't know how to do the whole linking to another blog thing) for her post a while back on gossip. It truly got my heart thinking and has led me on a small journey of sorts. Let me explain:
My life is full of alot of "new" right now. New marriage, new home, new job, new schedule...
Well, a few Weeks ago I was discussing my new job with a new co-worker, Only I wasn't just discussing my new job...I was discussing a dissatisfaction with my new job and the fact that I felt mislead about somethings. It was wrong of me. While it wasn't gossip, it wasn't right. I don't know her, I'm pretty sure she is not a believer, and did I mention it was just wrong of me. I didn't even realize I had done it until I read Lauren's post.
So why? Why did I do it?
Relationship...I felt like I needed comraderly...and there was someone willing to give it to me. I could have talked to God about it, my husband, could have called a close friend or my parents. But I felt like needed that kindred spirit feeling with someone else.
Bryan and I have also kinda had the same thing happen as we've been looking for a new church. We walked into one a few weeks ago and right away just felt like we could belong there! We loved the sermon, we were so attracted to the warm personalities that greeted us there. However, when we started doing research about what the church believes, we found that we didn't agree with it. However, we ALMOST reasoned ourselves into thinking that since we didn't feel that anything was morally wrong it would be ok to go there. Thankfully, after some discussions and prayer we realized that going there would be supporting things that we did not believe demonstrated the love and power of God. But again...that allure of relationship was so strong!
(this is were this post is going to take a turn...stick with me)
This week I have been meditating over 1Peter. It is full of examples and instruction on...well... being an example. Examples for slaves and masters, husbands and wives, citizens, members of the body of Christ. It even reiterates how Christ was an example for us. Bryan read the Book as well and pointed out that Peter reiterates that we should do these things not to be rewarded, but because they are of God and they are what He has commanded us to do. Our goal should NEVER be Heaven, it should be God. And when our goal is God, he is attentive to our needs.
Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. 11He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. 12For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. 1 Peter 3:10-12
My point is...it wasn't just wrong of me to complain and express my discontent to my new co-work. It was a horrible example of the life that I am called to live and it hindered my relationship with God...and wasn't my whole point "relationship" in the first place?

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