The Ukrop's Monument Ave 10k
We walked our first 10k this morning!
There were over 37000 people there!
Some where dressed on costumes including this group (It's a curling game) from our church!
Of course there are lots of Monuments on Monument Avenue including this one of Robert E. Lee
And we did some house shopping along the way!
Spring is in full beautiful bloom in Richmond!
We walked alittle of the way with Ronald and the Burggler
Look at all the people who just passed the half way point!
We were going a little crazy by were Willma and Betty
2.2 Miles left!
1.2Miles left!
The finish line is in sight!
Our times where:
Jayme- 1:50:01
Bryan- 1:50:03
If you need us we'll be passed out on the couch for the rest of the weekend!

Way to go! That sounds fun! I definitely prefer walking to running any day : )