After months of complaining about our weight and life style Bryan and I have decided to make a change!
We are cutting High Fructose Corn Syrup out of our diet. Now...before I go any further I must say that after a lot of research I do not believe that HFCS is to blame for this country's weight problem, but I do think that it has contributed. I also think that "organic" is a fancy word for "over priced". So, the Hable household has two new food rules:
1. No HFCS
2. (Attempting to) Keep the number of ingredients on the food label to 5 or less
You would be surprise to find out what foods that have HFCS and/or are highly over processed are just hanging out on your refrigerator door! I had a delicious bottle of marinade that I assumed had oil and a few herbs and spices in it....WRONG! the first ingredient was HFCS followed by a long list of things I can't pronounce!
For the past two weeks almost every thing we've eaten had been homemade from scratch....including all of our bread. I mention bread because today in the NYT Wall Street Journal there was an article called "Ten Money Moves That Will Always Pay Off" and #8 on the list........Buy a bread machine! We don't own a bread maker (yet) but I agree that making my own bread has saved lots of dough (pun intended) and even better, I control what is in that bread! No HFCS and no ingredients that don't look like English!I can't honestly say that I have seen a big difference in our health over the past two weeks (yet), but I love the fact that I know exactly what we are eating and saving money on some everyday items. Also, I love using my hands to provide food for my hubby instead of just taking credit for getting a "good" deal at the grocery store.
What about you? have you made any changes to your household that you feel will make a long term difference to your family?

We struggle with this also. Having a child who is highly allergic to EVERYTHING we love finding things that have less ingredients on labels. I would love to see anything you would recommend here on the blog :)