Tuesday, July 7, 2009

more pictures...and a bit of venting...

I'm suppose to be unpacking the spare bedroom...but...I think I can take a picture break! The order is a little off so I will try to label them.

My new in-laws

Bryan's new in-laws


What my wedding looked like before the rain

So...I hate unpacking...really. I know that it needs to be done and I know I'll feel better once it's done...but grrrr.
In other news, We had a wonderful 4th of July! I will try to get pictures up soon. We went to my parent's house and spent Saturday kayaking and sailing. That night we sat out on the dock and watched the fireworks. Bryan, at one point counted 17 different displays that we could see! Most were pretty far away but 3 or 4 of them were fairly close. It was very fun to see all of the celebrating!


  1. love all the pictures!! It's so funny that you are procrastinating from UNpacking by blogging ... and I am procrastinating from packing by blogging! haha

    I hate all things related to packing! ***big sigh***

  2. ahhh...I can't do it! I feel like I'm just moving boxes around!
